Tuesday, October 27, 2015

What are you doing for Halloween?

   The Fall season is now upon and how fitting to usher it in yearly with Halloween. This week I have
started my ritual of watching Horror films or shows that are of interest to me leading up to "Candy" day. Now I could go into the archive of flicks I've already seen but what's the sense in that?

And so I started with these films thus far (and no these are not hardcore reviews)

The Gift
Although it's considered more of a thriller,the film hits all the creepy spots a scary film should hit with out the blood and gore. And the fact that actor Joel Edgerton wrote and directed this film (I am a supporter of actor's doing their own thing). This film should be used as an "Anti bullying" campaign...

Night of the Creeps
A film I haven't seen in ages and I remembered this as being cool (past tense). A day ago... This a "WTF" B horror movie where I found myself asking a lot of unanswered questions
"What's the story of the Alien chase scene in the opening"?
"What are the odds that a match book with only 1 match lies on the ground of a Men's room stall"?
"And why is the detective trying to "gas" himself"?
And why at the Sorrority house, did the director have  the woman in the pink robe (standing behind the detective) have her back turned and then suddenly drop to the ground once the "Creeps" crash through the window? This leads to the detective kneeling to the ground to simply reload his revolver... See the movie (it's hilarious)

This is also film with some very corny lines that I guess the filmmaker thought would take off

Classic lines such as 
"The good news is your dates are here... The bad news is , they're dead"
"Hold this, you'll feel better"
"Duck, it's Miller time"
And the 80s reference "I'm so sure". which was the equivalent to "Whatever" 

If there's a film that could use a really great remake THIS IS IT! (Suddenly I hear Michael McDonald?)

The Cell
 Or as I refer to it as "3 + 4 does not = Se7en".
Another film I haven't watched since it first came out and I thought the same thing as the first viewing. The studio wanted another "Seven" and thus hired a visual director in Tarsem and left the screenplay in a dumpster somewhere in Chicago. I thought I'd been too harsh... I wasn't.
And Vince Vaughn doesn't do it for me as a dramatic actor which could be why I'm holding off watching True Detective Season 2...

The House of the Devil
Okay now we're getting closer as this is what a Horror film's is supposed to feel like. Ty West's 70s throwback film carries it out through the end. The typical babysitter female in peril set-up that goes awry. Of course it has some cliches but it there's elements of eerie and surprise or two along the way.

Right now, I don't feel like I've hit the Halloween horror film Smash as of yet but I'll keep searching as there's more to come...

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