Monday, July 25, 2011

I don't get it BUT I do.

After watching the new trailer for the upcoming "Spider-man" film, I think it's kind of tiring to try and understand why they are re-booting Spider-man from the origin AGAIN. And why would anyone pay to see a more
of the same. And despite the idea of a different comic universe, it's still a origin
story nonetheless.  There is also an animated film for the novel "Batman:Year One" which is
also an origin story as well....
 Which illustrates to me that Hollywood has a formula or a science of how films are forecasted for success and how these predictions often come up correct as the many fans and film goers complain about these films and yet will still go to support them when they are released.
I was surprised to learn that there are three different versions of "Snow White" in production for 2012. And yes I consider these remakes in my book as it's beating a dead horse. And a new version of "The Wolfman" is coming as well despite the success of the last one with Benecio Del Toro
So when do we get a re-telling of the "Twilight" franchise?
And I guess the "Fantastic Four" re-boot is in the works... Well Actually from what I've been told, that film needs to be re-booted along with "Daredevil" (which I think Frank Miller should direct it as he owes his fans for "The Spirit")...
Nuff said

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