Monday, May 30, 2016

What was Zack Snyder Thinking?? Part II

      I realized that this would make a five year follow up to my June, 2011th blog which you can read by clicking this link below:

 “What was Zack Snyder thinking?

I chose to hold off on writing about the “Batman v. Superman” fiasco, until after seeing “Captain America: CW” despite knowing the latter would a better film. It also gave me more time to see if I could find answers to some of the questions regarding the film such as:
- Why was the little girl Bruce Wayne saves all alone while her mother was in the destroyed building?
- Will we ever see a Batman film without the re-hashing of the death Bruce Wayne’s parents?
- Is there a ritual with Hollywood films (WB) continually killing “Superman”?

- Why is Lex Luther more of a “Nut” and a pawn than a “genius” ?

 - When Lois asks for a helicopter to get to Gotham (without clearly explaining why), Perry White refuses because he thinks it’s not news related. Lois simply gives him a look… And suddenly, he gives approval.
Why couldn’t she just say,
I think Batman and Superman are going to fight”
Wouldn’t that be Newsworthy?

- Superman told Lois that he would ask Batman for help and yet his way of asking seemed like a poor plot device to lead up to their Fight was just that a “plot device to get them to fight”.
Three words…. “I need Your Help”!

I would’ve even taken a John Carpenter “They Live” type homage fight scene where first “Supes” clearly asks for help and then they fight until Batman listens…

- There is no back story on how both Lex Luther and Clark Kent already know Batman’s identity, how?
- Notice similarities between “B.v.S.” & “Captain America: Civil War” with both having “governmental” higher ups questioning the power Superheroes have as they cause damage or kill innocent people while saving lives?
And coincidentally, both films had women of Afro descent to drop that message:

   The film’s narrative seems boggled down with grand ideas of interesting shots and action scenes but Snyder omitted the story substance as many believed this film was to be the “Iron-man” of this new DC universe to set up the “Justice League”.

But all this set-up was a combination of Confusion, dumb shit & Mystery where a lack of dialogue leaves a character’s action unspoken for the viewer to fill in the blanks.

      Now knowing that Snyder has a knack for changing up comic book storylines for HIS films, DC should be very wary of their properties with hopes that the WB creatives will stay away from the brand if they are to compete with Marvel.

Right now, Marvel is eating DC’s lunch and making them pay for dinner!

Snyder should be removed of all of his creative duties on this DC universe, overall. It was an experiment but both companies should cut their losses with him ASAP.
BUT again WB proves, it has a lot of bottomless pit full of money! Which is why the director was trusted with directing both “Justice League” films!!!

            And now with the “Wonder Woman” completed and in what seems like early, positive buzz on “The Suicide Squad” coming in August. If both films are better than “B.v.S.” then what does that say about Snyder as a filmmaker?
And. if he fails with the “JL” series how many more passes will he get?

       I also feel  that the failure of the DC universe is yet another example of what happens when studios hire filmmakers that are not comic book fans and allow them freedom to re-interpret the history… (Burton, Nolan, Ratner, Synder, Story).

I thought Tim Burton created a good “Batman” film until “Batman: The Animated Series” dropped soon after.
I only liked Nolan’s “Batman Begins”, Ledger’s “Joker” character (in “Knight”) and Bane’s cool winter jacket in his third interpretation of the series.

And he never wanted to deal with other villains that HE felt were “Super Science” characters. These are traits that represent whom Batman truly is, a Scientist and detective. Hmmm

If you have the time, Google search “Zack Snyder says Batman could get raped “ and you may realize whom is directing your favorite comic book characters in film. I guess he really is a true fan!

In closing, I am curious to see what the Blu-Ray contains as it’s rumored to have close to a four hour version of the film. But If you couldn’t do this in the two and a half that you had and need more time then why not place this on a HBO as a short term series since WB is their sister company….

Personally, I don’t think there’s any hope for the DC Universe unless you’re watching their TV series.

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